Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Fundraising Letters

Image result for you got mail meme
Similarities/Differences: All of the organizations have a different cause, but they all want
to help the youth in different ways. Also, all of the letters have most of their words in
italics or bold. I think that is a great way to grab the reader's attention.
Lastly, most of the organizations include facts and statics except Youth in Action.

Tools to persuade the reader: The letters included pictures in their letters except for
“United we Dream”. Most of them have a quote in their letter, and
statics to show the impact they have made in the community.
Also, DownCIty is the only organization that included all of their sponsors! to persuade the reader.

Donation: If I had to donate $50.00 to one of the organizations it would be DownCity!
Not only because their letter is awesome! But I am very familiar with what they do with students they work with. When I worked at the YMCA, DownCity joined us during the after school hours and helped students built their own garden.
It was a great experience for the students that attended the YMCA
during the after school hours because they learned about team building, different plants, tools,
and much more!


  1. Great post! I picked the same org to donate to because it seemed to be the most interesting one and great for the youth.

  2. we are also on the same page for donations! its awesome that you are already familiar with the organization. i wish i knew first hand what they do at their program and admire you for already being so involved in nonprofits


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