Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Fundraising Letters

Image result for you got mail meme
Similarities/Differences: All of the organizations have a different cause, but they all want
to help the youth in different ways. Also, all of the letters have most of their words in
italics or bold. I think that is a great way to grab the reader's attention.
Lastly, most of the organizations include facts and statics except Youth in Action.

Tools to persuade the reader: The letters included pictures in their letters except for
“United we Dream”. Most of them have a quote in their letter, and
statics to show the impact they have made in the community.
Also, DownCIty is the only organization that included all of their sponsors! to persuade the reader.

Donation: If I had to donate $50.00 to one of the organizations it would be DownCity!
Not only because their letter is awesome! But I am very familiar with what they do with students they work with. When I worked at the YMCA, DownCity joined us during the after school hours and helped students built their own garden.
It was a great experience for the students that attended the YMCA
during the after school hours because they learned about team building, different plants, tools,
and much more!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Image result for hasbro summer learning program

HSLI/Problems it address - Stands for “Hasbro helps with Summer Learning”
This program is designed to help students from low-income
families. It was also created to prepare the students for the
upcoming school year. The program has various of activities
for the students to explore outside of the classroom with their teachers.
It is a great opportunity for all the students because not all of the students
are able to afford camps such as, the YMCA.

Funding: The HSLA program receives their funding from United
Way, the General Assemble and Hasbro.

What YDEV anchors does HSLI aligns with?
It aligns with positive Youth Development because this program is
promoting positivity for the youth. It is also bringing teachers
together to make learning happen! Many great outcomes can
result from having this program in place.

Plus- I love the program! It can help many kids increase their reading,
and math level for the upcoming school year!

Delta- I do not like the testing portion of it. Although,
it is designed to prove that the program is working.
It is not necessary .. Teachers should test their students
when the school year starts.

PASA (Guest Speaker)

Image result for pasa afterschool

The guest speaker I picked is Brittany, the manager of PASA.
I enjoyed her presentation about her organization because
she seemed really passionate about what she does.
During her presentation, she talked about different
roles and why they are all important. Brittany helped me get an better understanding
of all the roles because of the handouts she passed out.
The handouts included roles, facts about PASA,
and success stories. However, made sure the class participated
by asking us what already knew about “PASA”, and
the impact they have on the community.

Speaking style: Brittany, is a natural it public speaker. She seemed
really comfortable with the class. She also shared a story with us to help keep us
engaged. She is also very honest with the class. She stated
that her job sucks sometimes, but her students remind her
everyday why she does what she does. When she stated that,
I definitely related. During the summer, I worked for the
summer program. During the program, I was responsible
for creating flyers, permission slips, new letters, and
much more. It was a lot of busy work, but it definitely
did pay off at the end! Seeing a smile on the families
and students we assisted made it so worth it and it reminded
me why I did what I did.

Connection to course themes: Brittany’s presentation related to
the theory of change discussion that was held in class.
Theory of change begins with creating a long time
goal and listing the outcomes. “PASA”, assures
that the leadership team has weekly meetings to
help them achieve their goals. The board members
also meet to discuss their ideas on how they plan to achieve their goals too.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Image result for the rhode island foundation
Mission: The Rhode Island Foundations, is a proactive community and philanthropic leader dedicated to meeting the needs of the people of Rhode Island.

History: The Rhode Island Foundation, is one of the largest and oldest community foundations.
It was first organized at Rhode Island Hospital in June 1916. The foundation received their first donation from the U.S Senator and industrialist.

Who does the foundation fund? / Why?
The foundation funds individuals from the community. It does not award applicants who discriminate against any individual or group. The foundation funds because they want to help individuals accomplish their goals.

Grant Program: One of the programs is called the "Classroom Sparkle Grant" it gives teachers the opportunity to receive an award of 1,000. In order to be eligible, the teacher must work full time, and work with third or fourth-graders. Also, the teacher must write a one-page report
describing their project before submitting their application.

Questions: 1) Can you receive more than one scholarship from the Rhode Island Foundation?

2) How long does it take for the participants to receive the scholarship?

Against Philanthropy

Article: Against Philanthropy The authors of the  “Against philanthropy” article argue that they are against Philanthropy. Most ph...